Monday, 7 February 2011

What Is Wrong With Don?

In recent weeks it has become clear that something has been going wrong with my body.  Without going into too much detail, I have developed a condition that has at times led to confusion and lack of understanding on my part coupled with lack of energy, mild hallucinations and other issues.

The preliminary diagnosis points to some form of low grade tumour on my brain that is interfering with normal activity.  Further tests are ongoing and it could be some weeks before we have the full diagnosis and prognosis.

I have therefore asked Jamie, my son, to set up this blogger facility for me in order that between us we can keep friends and contacts informed about progress with the problems I am currently having.  If there are knock-on consequences for you, then please accept my apologies and let's discuss how they can be best resolved.

Whilst these medical problems exist, it is going to be difficult for me to carry out my normal social and business responsibilities.  Where there is a direct impact on a group of people, I hope to contact them about interim or new arrangements, but if I fail to do so, please do get in touch with me and I will do my best to redress matters.  You should be able to contact me in your usual way but if that fails please either e-mail or phone 01539561027.

Several of you will already know about at least some of these difficulties and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support and good wishes.

I look forward to us resuming our normal relationships as soon as possible. Meanwhile, Margaret and I thank you for your ongoing support.


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