Friday, 4 March 2011

Two Heartfelt Words

I went to see my GP today hoping to discover more of what has been going wrong.  However, it turned out to be an anti-climax as he had not yet received the report from the consultant.  I have grown to accept that slow news tends to be good news in this arena so I have rescheduled for next week without too much anxiety!

All of which leaves space on this posting for my Thank Yous.  This goes to all who, one way or another, whether in person, by post, telephone, text, blog , e-mail  or carrier pigeon, sent their best wishes.  Those with relevant experience helped me face the hospital procedures with much higher confidence in the system and the future than I would have had only a few weeks ago.  And the thoughts of all of you have helped Margaret and me enormously.  It has been quite humbling to realise the strength and extent of the support we have received.

To all, I have just two heartfelt words to say.  Thank you.

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